Earbus Migration Imminent!

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Earbus Foundation of WA started with modest hopes around a Wanneroo dining room table in April 2013 as a classic start-up; no resources, no premises and no funding. The first 12 months were spent establishing the charity and doing all the legal compliance around registration. With no funds available the crucial infrastructure – PO boxes, websites, email addresses, phone numbers – was all self-funded.

In 2015 Earbus Foundation finally moved into its own premises on the Mercycare campus in Wembley where we remained for 3 years until we outgrew the available space. Now, with 50 staff working across 120+ sites with 650 regional visits a year we’ve outgrown our original email system and need something more fit-for-purpose.

At the end of May and through early June we will be migrating all staff and generic email addresses to MS Outlook. Email addresses will have .au appended so, for example, our office email will be admin@earbus.org.au. Watch out for our new addresses, coming soon!