Wheatbelt Program Kicks Off!


Earbus Foundation started delivering ear health services into the Wheatbelt township of Pingelly in late May and plans to add Brookton to the visit roster in Term 3. The initial visit to Pingelly Primary School saw the Earbus Clinical Team including Audiologist, Nurse Practitioner and Screener introduce the service to Pingelly families and children. The team provided 129 consults with 48 children screened, 47 tested for hearing loss and 34 having a primary care consult. The Earbus team will manage the case load and pathology by visiting each term.

Currently Earbus delivers pro bono services to communities and towns across WA including BunburyCollieBindoon, the Midland region and more. Additionally, there are other regional communities requesting Earbus visits that are beyond our current capacity until further funding becomes available - we hope sooner rather than later. Earbus is currently looking to its corporate sponsors who provide 25% of our operating revenue and help underwrite regular visits to regional centres.